I changed my blogging platform from Wordpress to Pelican. Pelican is a static html generator written in Python. I also changed the whole design. It’s a bootstrap-theme with some little modifications.
The reason I changed from Wordpress is the effort to maintain a secure and up-to-date installation opposed to static html files with only minimal Javascript. Also there’s no need for me to use a full fledged CMS like Wordpress when all I want to do is write some blog-posts about technical things I like. Maybe I’ll also describe the process that is moving from Wordpress to Pelican.
There’s still Piwik running in the background to gather some statistics about the
posts I write. If you do not want to be tracked, you can opt out here[].
The commenting system is called isso, a “leightweight disqus alternative” powered
by Python.
So…if there are some glitches or things not working like expected, leave a comment or shoot me an email!